By now, you may have noticed that we love making ‘pretty’ drinks. Whether it’s an adult beverage or just simple water, we like our drinks to have a little character. Recently, we stumbled across fruit ice cubes to add to your water. We took the idea and put our own twist on it.
We decided to use lemons, strawberries, raspberries, mint and blueberries for our fruit ice cubes, but, as you can imagine, there are a thousand different options that you can use.
We recently purchased cute ice trays from Target for $0.99, which form ice ‘sticks’ versus the traditional cube. If you aren’t able to find these, you can use any ice tray or even a mini-muffin pan to make your ice cubes.
We filled two trays with our several combinations of the fruit and mint, then added water.
We left the ice sticks in the freezer for 4 hours and then served them with cold water. Below are a three variations of how we used the fruit ice sticks.

Lemon-Berry-Mint Water
There really is no wrong way to combine the fruits, herbs and even veggies to make your very own tasteful ice cubes.
Hope you all have a great Monday!
Tiffany & Lindsey