My sister-in-law recently suggested that we add a “What’s in My Bag” post periodically and we loved the idea! I cannot guarantee that my items will always be very interesting but I know that I have always enjoyed reading these posts myself. I did, however, leave out the wadded up five dollar bill, crumpled-up receipts and gum wrapper that have been making a home in the bottom of my bag.
One item that I never leave the house without is my makeup bag. This particular bag camoflauge bag is from Madewell.. They always have a cute selection of pouches that are the perfect size to fit in your handbag.
Some of the key items that I carry are my bronzer, a lip gloss and a blush. My all-time favorite bronzer is the Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder. It is fantastic because it is absolutely shimmer-free. I love when makeup lines provide options that don’t make me shimmer like Edward Cullen when the sunlight hits.
My sister-in-law just gave me this Benefit lip gloss for Christmas. It came in a great neutral palette lip and cheek set. I texted her days later and informed her that I had a slight problem…I wanted to eat the lipgloss. It smells SO good. Also in the set was one of my favorite products that I use…Benetint. It is a cheek stain that makes you look like you are blushing or flushed. It gives a little bit of a dewy finish. This travel size is perfect to keep in my handbag. Benefit is my favorite makeup line so I am never without several of their products.
I picked up this nail polish right before I had Ryan and, apparently, never took it out of my bag. I wore this color a ton last year and needed a new bottle. It is a nice gray-blue color. The Dior Gel-Shine Laquer is amazing. It is so shiny and stays on really well. The brush is phenomenal. If you do your own nails a lot like I do, you understand how important it is to find a polish with a brush that is shaped well. I highly recommend these polishes.
I also carry several more utilitarian items. I like to have hand sanitizer both in my bag and in my car…even more so now that I have a newborn baby. I always carry an extra pair of contacts. I wear Dailies which means that I wear a new pair every single day. In the event that one rips or that it has been long day, I can easily switch them out for fresh ones. Finally, I carry around my Invisalign case. Admittedly, I am TERRIBLE at wearing the tray as often as I should. I wear it on my bottom teeth so maybe they will be straight by 2021.
I am never without a pair of sunglasses. This Rebecca Minkoff case is incredible because it isn’t bulky so it will fit in almost any handbag. I purchased these sunglasses on a trip back to Los Angeles last year and have been pleasantly surprised by how often the blue goes with what I am wearing.
What are your must-have items that you carry around daily?
Oooooooooooo! I LOVE this! What’s in Tiffany’s bag??
Thanks, Reagan! Tiffany is going to do her post next week! xoxo