Earlier this week, we blogged about Lindsey’s baby shower, where we featured a few projects that we did on our own. Today, we are going to share with you how we made the ‘Baby Love’ burlap banner.
Of course, every craft projects begins with a run to Michael’s. While we were there, we purchased burlap ribbon, cork letters for the phrase Baby Love, a template for the banner design, white spray paint, a spool of twine and hot glue gun sticks.

Ashland Burlap Garland & twine
The cork letters were only a $1 each!

Krylon Spray Paint (white) and Raw Brute Natural cork letters
Before we started assembling the banner, we took the cork letters outside to spray paint them white. It took several coats so we did this several times during the process. Its a good idea to start with the back because you don’t need it to be covered 100%. Once the back is dried, then you can turn over and focus on the front of the letters.
We then began assembling the banner. This template could not be found online but it was the saving grace for this project. It made cutting each banner flag super easy and quick. And, we didn’t have to worry about them all not being the same size!
Once we had all of our flags cut, we used the hot glue gun to create a flap at the top of each one. This flap was not glued down completely. We left enough opening to run the twine through so that we could hang the banner. (Sorry, we don’t have a picture of this step!)
Now, be careful when doing this because the burlap has holes in it and when you are holding down the flap to dry, the hot glue can get on your fingers. We learned that the hard way.
Once all the letters were dry, we begin to place them on each of the banner flags. To ensure they were all centered, we used a measuring tape to space the letters. You can see in this picture the top of the flag and how the flap looked with the twine ran through.
And here is the final product. Once we figured out where to hang the banner, we decided to add a paper heart to the middle by simply using tine clothes pins. We think it turned out great and will probably do this technique again using a different fabric.
Hope you are all feeling inspired now. Tell us what your latest DIY projects have been!
Happy Friday everyone.