Happy New Year everyone…is it too late to say that? I still can’t believe its 2018…how is that possible? Why does time go by so quickly? As a child, I remember my parents and many adults saying that the years go by faster as you get older and man, they were not lying.
I know Lindsey briefly mentioned that Baubles & Backdrops will be undergoing some changes and I’m sure it’s pretty apparent that the big change is ME or the lack thereof. This was, by no means, an easy decision and honestly, I wish I had the time to dedicate to the blog, but TIME is the reason I need to say goodbye. Well, time and my sanity (wink, wink).
A lot has changed over the last 4 years (I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since we started B&B) and I often found myself stretched too thin, so I took a step back and evaluated how I want to spend my time. There are three things that I want to focus on…all of which, come after my relationship with God. I know that none of this is possible without Him and He always comes first!
- Spending time with family and friends – Rudy and I love spending time with our family and friends…it’s one of the main reasons we were so eager to move back to Charlotte. When the blog started, we had one niece and one nephew and we were coming to Charlotte almost every other weekend to see them, family and/or friends. This obviously limited the time I had available to work on the blog on the weekends. I managed to fit it all in but now that we have one niece, four nephews and our goddaughter that all live in the Charlotte area, we want to spend as much time as we can with them. As you can imagine, this doesn’t leave a lot of time to focus on the blog on the weekends.
- Moving up in my career – my job is very demanding; don’t take that the wrong way, I love my job and the chaos. As my job became more demanding, it became very challenging to juggle afternoon shoots/events for the blog and pressing deadlines with work. I always put work before the blog because let’s be real…it pays the bills, but that often times meant that I felt as though I was letting Lindsey and all of you down. For those of that you know me, I do not like disappointment others, so I’m really hard on myself when I do. As I continue to further develop myself in my career, I don’t foresee the demands slowing down any time soon.
- Starting a family – it’s no secret that Rudy and I want our own family and we’ve gone through a lot over the last 5 years to try to have a baby. I’ve been very open and shared our journey with all of you; and the love and support we received was overwhelming. It was so comforting to know that all of you were praying for us every step of the way. We have no idea what is next for us, but we are confident that God has a plan and that will be our main focus is this year…us and our family.
I’m sure there are many of you that can do all of this and manage to blog, but I, personally, am at capacity – mentally, physically and emotionally. Starting a family is at the forefront of my mind, heart and soul EVERY DAY. It consumes me and that will not change until we have a child. This is my focus. This is my priority.
So, as much as I want to continue to blog and be a part of Baubles & Backdrops, I just don’t see how I can. It has been an amazing 4 years. We had no idea what we were doing when we started this journey, but we both were excited to share our lives.
THANK YOU to each of you…for following my journey. Thank you for the love, the support, and the encouragement. Thank you for allowing me to share who I am without judgement. Thank you for putting up with my ‘not so great grammar’. I know I’m a terrible writer, but I just type it as I think it. And most importantly, thank you for understanding why I must go.
Finally, thank you to Lindsey for allowing me to come on this journey with you. I would have never done this alone. I loved learning what it meant to be a blogger with you. I loved driving around on Sunday afternoons looking for the perfect location with the perfect lighting. I loved laughing at ourselves as we posed in front of others knowing they were judging. I loved the built-in girl time. There are so many great B&B memories that I will always cherish and while this may be the end of our partnership, our friendship will be forever.
Giving all of you all of my love,
I think this is so sweet. You ladies clearly have a really special bond. You are already missed but no one would ever judge you for putting yourself and your family first. My prayers go out to you in your journey….
xo, Stephanie
Thanks so much Stephanie!
We will miss you tiffany! I’m so happy we were able to meet and become friends through blogging. I’m so excited for you and to see what your future holds. you such an amazing person and I know it will be nothing but great things!
Thanks Courtney. I’m so glad that blogging brought you into my life. i love following you and have already found you on my personal account. hopefully, i can see you and the girls during my next trip to raleigh. xoxo, Tiffany
I don’t personally know you Tiffany but, feel like I do thru you pouring out your heart in this post. I’ll be praying for you and your journey to motherhood. There is a season for everything and God knows the deepest desires of your heart. Keep trusting in him and all your plans will succeed. Much love!