Good morning, friends!
I’m getting ready to run out the door to head to my niece’s Kindergarten graduation so I hope you don’t mind if this post is short and sweet. I have to look presentable and then drop Ry off at school far earlier than usual before heading to her school so things are a bit more hectic this morning for me than usual. Yes, I am that girl who tends to write her posts in the morning.
I couldn’t wait to share this dress with you all! I purchased it online and kept my finger crossed that it would be as adorable in person as it was on my computer screen…and it didn’t disappoint. This dress is pretty close to summer casual perfection. The beautiful detailing and the length make it such an easy piece to wear. I love that I can throw this on while out and bout with Ryan and not worry about it being too short. Plus, who doesn’t want an amazing embroidered chambray dress with tassels? It’s equally as comfortable as it is cute…and let’s just have a moment for the fact that it has pockets.
You look so lovely! Love those tassels! xx, I’m Fixin’ To