Happy Friday, friends!
Hope you all have had a great week. Rudy and I have been at the beach this week with my family. We have spent countless hours at the pool with the kiddos, walked on the beach, taken afternoon naps and have eaten anything and everything we wanted. I’m sure I will regret that when I get back on the scale but I will just deal with that then.
I have not given an update since our egg retrieval on June 23rd, so I wanted to share the latest with you. As I previously mentioned, Rudy was not able to be here for the retrieval as he has a business trip planned, so I had my dad and stepmom take me instead. We arrived at the doctors office that morning around 8:30am and I was called back and hooked up to IVs by 9am. Surgery was scheduled to begin at 9:45am, but those 45 minutes seem like eternity. I get so anxious. A thousand thoughts run through my mind…good thoughts and bad thoughts. Dr. Katz came by to say good morning and asked how I was doing and I held back the tears. It’s something about “How are you feeling?” that triggers emotions. Luckily my dad and stepmom were able to take turns to keep me company and take my mind off things.
Then the time came. They walked me back to the OR and got me situated and before I knew it I was waking up in the recovery room. I apparently slept for 45 minutes after the surgery…guess I was tired. Once I was fully awake, the doctor came by to tell me they retrieved 19 eggs…YAY, that is awesome. I was very happy with that number. I had 20 eggs during my first IVF cycle and 15 in my 2nd cycle, so that sounded about right.
They instructed me to take it easy the rest of the day and they would call me tomorrow with updates on how many eggs fertilized and how many we had to freeze. Friday came and they called to tell me that 12 of the eggs were mature enough to ICSI. As a reminder, ICSI is just a fancy way to say fertilize. They physically put the sperm with the egg. Of those 12, seven were strong enough to freeze. We froze on Day 1, so I think they are considered zygotes so we now have 7 frozen zygotes waiting for us.
Over the next two months, I am on Lupron Depot. I took my first shot on July 2nd and I will take another on August 2nd. The shot lasts for 30 days and the doctor wants me to take it for 2 months to help suppress my endometriosis. I will then start progesterone patches in September and take those for at least 18 days before we can do retrieval. While we don’t know specifics about retrieval day we are headed into meet with Dr. Katz the first week of August to talk about next steps. I’m so excited to know what’s next. I’ll make sure to keep you updated!
Again, thanks for the continued support and love. It means so much to us both!
Lys says
Thank you for sharing this!